On or about October 13, 2015 OSHA mailed letters to specific companies in the manufacturing industry alerting them to the updated NEP on Amputations because they have “…higher rates of amputations…” as reported to the BLS. According to the letter, beginning on or about November 13, 2015, OSHA will begin conducting inspections focusing on the updated NEP on Amputations. The letter explains that the receipt of the letter does not guarantee an OSHA inspection will be conducted however the probability increases because the letter was received.
OSHA has issued an updated National Emphasis Program on Amputations as reported in an OSHA News Release August 13, 2015. The NEP includes a list of industries with high numbers and rates of amputations as reported to BLS. OSHA’s inspections show employee exposures to unguarded or inadequately guarded machinery and equipment, along with related hazardous energy exposures during servicing and maintenance activities, occur on a regular basis and in many workplaces.
This updated NEP on Amputations applies to general industry workplaces in which there is machinery or equipment where amputations may occur during operations such as clearing jams, cleaning, oiling or greasing machines or machine pans, and locking out machinery to prevent accidental start-up. The inspections will include an evaluation of employee exposures during such operations.
Link to OSHA News Release: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=28569
Wayne Vanderhoof CSP